Hey, I'm Hope

I'm an adorable paraplegic kitten who got lucky enough to find the best family a cat could hope for. Please sign up for my newsletter so you can stay up to date with my adventures!

Hey, I'm Hope
Cat throwing up after eating

Cat throwing up after eating

If your cat throws up after it eats, you should take it to the vet, just to be safe. But a lot …

Does my cat think I'm its mom or dad?

Does my cat think I'm its mom or dad?

Your cat does not think you’re its mom or its dad, but it understands that you are a …

Cat meows a lot while using the litter box

Cat meows a lot while using the litter box

Years ago, when we were new and inexperienced cat owners, we noticed that Gabby was being …

Why does my cat hiss at her tail?

Why does my cat hiss at her tail?

A cat chasing its tail is usually just playful and fun. In very rare instances a cat may …

Can I Feed My Cat - The Ultimate List!

Can I Feed My Cat - The Ultimate List!

Super list time! Today we’re going to go down a list of 60-ish commonly googled things …

Can my cat eat Thanksgiving turkey?

Can my cat eat Thanksgiving turkey?

You should not feed your cat any Thanksgiving turkey. This is because the seasonings you use …

Can I give my cat canned tuna?

Can I give my cat canned tuna?

The long and short of it is: Whatever works for your situation!

5 Indicators of Your Cat's Mood

5 Indicators of Your Cat's Mood

Cats are weird, funny, and adorable little creatures, aren’t they? One of the most …